Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Last additions - Engines at the Museum
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View along the line up - from the left2937 viewsIn the foreground is the 3bhp with the other vertical engines in the backgroundMay 13, 2006
Patterns used to make the replica2797 viewsThe magnificent replica has been lovingly built by Wayne Timms and Dave Allen (members of the Friends of the Anson Engine Museum). It is of engine number 361 that was originally built in 1871. These are the patterns they used while making it.
May 13, 2006
Relief now its all done3698 viewsNow that the Exhibition preparations are finished the relief shows on the face of a volunteer while they chat to visitorsMay 13, 2006
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Closer view of the line up2843 viewsthis shows a clearer view of the engines and the connection between the large engine and the winchMay 13, 2006
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Looking along the line of engines towards the large 3bhp engine3139 viewsthis magnificent line up is unique! It contains the replica 1/4 bhp engine; the 1bhp and the 3bhpMay 13, 2006
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Geoff working on the large engine3006 viewsThis is an example of the largest size built of the Crossley Brothers Atmospheric-Free Piston engine; it is rated at 3 horsepower May 13, 2006
Replica engine from the left3446 viewsReplica engine from the leftMay 13, 2006
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What a line up!4354 viewsLooking towards the large 3bhp engine with the other vertical engines in the foregroundMay 13, 2006
Wot - no shed, another job that needs doing. Note non-standard outrigger bearing.6920 viewsApr 10, 2006
6590 viewsIt was used for for the studio lighting of such Classics as

Passport To Pimlico
Another Shore
Whiskey Galore
Kind Hearts and Coronets

To name just a few.
A nice photo exists of Miss Gracie Fields starting the engine.

Apr 10, 2006
Trailer split to unload the engine5282 viewsApr 10, 2006
Pulling into the unusually tidy carpark.5000 viewsApr 10, 2006
253 files on 22 page(s) 21