42 files, last one added on Jan 17, 2011 Album viewed 2885 times
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Random files - Engines at the Museum
Valve before cleaning2589 viewsRuston VXA
Crankshaft being lowered4265 viewsWhen the engine was installed at the Marine College in Oct 1967.
Photograph courtesy of Maurice Clyde
Sectioned Gardner Fuel Pump2917 views
This other Ruston engine replaced the other VXA that had failed years before3089 views
Geoff Challinor invites the Mayor of Cheshire East to say a few words3006 viewshe described the museum as the jewel in the crown at the North West end of the County
view of the whole engine3112 viewsand viewing platforms
Exhaust pipes ready for assembly2610 viewsRuston VXA
One of the four cylinders2549 viewsRuston VXA, we have tried to save as much of the original paint work as possible (including some lining) but due to the badly peeling paintwork a lot had to be stripped
Last additions - Engines at the Museum
original lubricators3389 viewsSep 26, 2011
Info on S S Stott Company3158 viewsSep 26, 2011
Mayor of Cheshire East makes a short speech of welcome3117 viewsGeoff Challinor in foregroundSep 26, 2011
view of the whole engine3112 viewsand viewing platformsSep 26, 2011
once the engine is running visitors are invited up on the platform 3052 viewsto inspect the engine under the guidance of our volunteersSep 26, 2011
there wasn't an inch that didn't get photographed3105 viewsSep 26, 2011
view from the back3050 viewsSep 26, 2011
everything was polished and ready3007 viewsSep 26, 2011