Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Top rated - Archive photos of engines and museum views
oct wknd 051.jpg
admiring the Gardner 4L21918 views00000
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oct wknd 042.jpg
Coventry Diesel KF41478 views00000
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oct wknd 021.jpg
1909 Butler1514 viewsinformation board tells us it had been used in a Poynton chip shop00000
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oct wknd 030.jpg
Before the crowd arrives1514 viewsEric from the milk bar tries to take a photograph up the main room - caught out by our own cameraman00000
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1900 Crossley O type1512 viewsTrevor and Pete starting the Crossley in the main room00000
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Doxford timing chain and big end1442 viewson display in Memorial Building. A "Guess the weight of the big end" competition proved popular.00000
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Crowd gathers to view the Ruston Hornsby 6H1432 views00000
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Comfy chairs in the video area1422 viewswere a welcome relief for people to relax and catch their breath00000
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some of the models on display1527 viewstwo models were displayed on the Saturday with a different four models running on the Sunday00000
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Robert Jackson gets his hands dirty1743 views00000
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1655 views00000
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1647 views00000
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534 files on 45 page(s) 42