Top rated - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Hornsby oil engine November 20103039 viewsThere she is, still looks in nice condition (3 votes)
Main room looking towards reception area April 20072208 views (3 votes)
Painting in the main building2019 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007
Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season (3 votes)
Gardner 4t52529 viewsby David Steeden (2 votes)
Crossley engine2589 viewsby David Steeden (2 votes)
blacksmith tools2296 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist) (2 votes)
Information board that accompanies the replica engine1608 viewsReplica of Diesel's engine that was built in 1897 and is considered to be the first diesel engine. It had been preceded by two experimental motors in 1882/93 and 1894. However, they did not work satisfactorily.
Replica built for MAN Truck & Bus to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Diesel's birth, 2008. (2 votes)
snow snow everywhere1267 viewsthe snow lasted until mid morning when the sun started to melt it, here it surrounds the Ruston Hornsby (Stockport type) (2 votes)
the engines have an unusual quality when snow covered1298 viewsEaster snow surprises everyone (2 votes)
Robey in the snow1269 viewsEaster Sunday snow on the drive to museum (2 votes)
Midsummer Mingle 20071813 viewsCraft centre/Bodgers shed was called into operation to entertain the crowd (2 votes)
more engines in the Rattling Monster room2119 views (2 votes)