Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Paul Curzon runs the Gardner 4T5 much to the delight of the crowd1264 viewsIMechE members visit the museum 9th September 2008
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1263 viewsDave Allen explains the workings and runs Atmospheric engines
Jowett Car Club March 20081263 viewsmembers of the North West section of the Jowett Car Club visit the museum in their beautiful cars
New Exhibition area gets new wall covering, during closed season 05/061262 views
Side sheets being prepared1262 views
21 ton excavator at work1261 viewsthis much needed heavy equipment was loaned (as a donation) from Paul Jackson Plant Hire of Macclesfield
View from spoil heap back towards museum1258 viewsNovember 2006, moving the spoil heap
Excatavors at work1257 views
Geoff runs the Gardner 4T51257 viewsSouth Manchester MG Owners Club members watching the engines being run at the end of the Cheshire Romp, 13 July 2008
Great spectacle which the visitors always enjoy1256 viewsDoxford Engine Friend's Association (DEFA) June 2008
Turn the Clocks Back Rally under cover1255 viewsowners of the visiting rally engines take welcome shelter in the shell of the new building during the Closing Weekend October 2005
Dave Allen & Wayne Timms coax the Piano Base Crossley into life1254 viewsas part of our Volunteers Working Weekend prior to the Easter opening