Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – inside our stall1902 viewsOn display between the crate and the replica was the Tangye ‘Inverted’ Gas Engine, Built c1903, Engine No 888. Presented to Birmingham Science Museum by Tangye Ltd, Smethwick. Thought to be the only surviving example of the inverted vertical. Has typical Tangye mechanical oiler. Has been in store for several years and is now on loan for the Tangye Exhibition at the museum. Our sincere thanks to the Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery for permission to take the engine to the 1000 Engine Rally.
Examining the photos and letters in the Mirrlees memorabilia folders1902 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Easter Tombola1902 viewslots of fun with dozens of prizes and helped raise some funds
National engine back to running condition1901 viewsGeoff and a member of our Friends have restored this lovely engine to running condition
Nut Roast steam roller leaving the museum1895 viewsparting shot as the roller trundles away
working on the Lister1889 views
We need a bigger car park!1889 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008
Midsummer Mingle 20071884 viewsand there was still time to admire some engines too