Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
never happier than when getting dirty2312 views
IMechE May2309 viewsMartin explaining to some of the group about how the Ruston engine runs before starting it for them
IMechE May2309 viewslots of humour and mickey taking during the talk, Paul getting ready to run the Gardner 4t5
Royce's crane (yellow) in the steam engine area April 20072304 views
Griffin, overhung Crossley and Bisschop2303 viewspart of the Hugon can be seen to the left
3000th visitor 2006, Alex Smith2300 viewsbeing presented with a polo shirt embroidered with the museum's logo
Unusual view of the Atkinson engine2296 viewsThe engine, which was built by the British Gas Engine Company Limited sometime between 1886 and 1893 is one of only a very few Atkinson-cycle engines’ known to have survived.
blacksmith tools2296 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist)