Most viewed - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Original Blueprint2409 views
Don busy tinkering2406 views
Atkinson-cycle engine at the Anson Engine Museum2392 viewsThe engine, which was built by the British Gas Engine Company Limited sometime between 1886 and 1893 is one of only a very few Atkinson-cycle engines’ known to have survived.
Anson Colliery2385 viewsdepicted by Rod Ellis (one of the many drawings by this artist)
Margaret helps load items using the hiab2379 views
Peter explains about Bodgers and how ancient crafts were the forerunners of engines2376 viewsDeeside College students October 2012
Crossley atmosphric engine name plate2375 viewsThe name plate from the 3hp atmospheric engine in our atmospheric "Rattling Monster" exhibition
Margaret at VE Day Celebration show chating to visitors2375 views
Barnstorming2366 views... shame about the fly on the lens ...
Many hands make light work2366 viewsas they reassemble the Brotherhood
Ready to run it for the 1st time2366 viewsall the volunteers huddle round to watch, Tuesday 16 August 2011.
Vickers Petter (No 1083, CR2, 2 stroke oil engine. Built c1924, 120BHP used at York Waterworks)
Engines can be admired by all age groups2356 views