Last additions - Archive photos of engines and museum views

The Volunteers gave up their Saturday Night to run engines1207 viewsMay 19, 2008

everyone wants a go1708 viewsMay 19, 2008

See what I've got1706 viewsthe spoon made from horse-chestnut will be ideal for this weeks Show and Tell at schoolMay 19, 2008

Peter whittling1856 viewsMay 19, 2008

Rod removes the hot metal from the fire1797 viewsMay 19, 2008

the young visitors enjoyed pumping the bellows1814 viewsMay 19, 2008

Swinging the flywheel for the National Gas Engine1153 viewsMay 19, 2008

Running the National Gas Engine1206 viewsMay 19, 2008

crafting brackets to hold an engine1732 viewsMay 19, 2008

Rod bending the hot metal1836 viewsMay 19, 2008

Pumping the bellows1876 viewsfor the forgeMay 19, 2008

Fowler Beam Engine1791 viewsnot quite so new but the display area is now finished around it. This engine is on loan from the Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery.Apr 20, 2008
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