Visitors & Midsummer Mingle (up to 2008)

Running the Gardner 4T5 for the guests1658 viewsMidsummer Mingle 2008

Night of the Museum2017 viewsThe Gardner 4T5 is spectacular at night

Midsummer Mingle 20071702 viewsGeoff demonstrates how the winch works on the 3HP Crossley Atmospheric engine

Midsummer Mingle 20071642 viewsBusy preparing for the gang to arrive

Midsummer Mingle 20071681 viewsthe BBQ proved to be a popular meeting point to catch up with old friends, the chef was kept busy cooking sausages

Peter & Rita Forbes during visit June 20081989 views

Midsummer Mingle 20071680 viewsthe 3HP Atmospheric Crossley engine was a crowd pleaser and had to be run several times over the day

One of the members of our "Friends" and son2251 views

Hearing about the Furnival engine and printing press2163 views

Midsummer Mingle 20071625 viewscapturing an memento of the occasion

Midsummer Mingle 20071795 viewsit was a great opportunity to share memories and catch up

Midsummer Mingle 20071813 viewsCraft centre/Bodgers shed was called into operation to entertain the crowd