Anson Engine Museum

Anson Engine Museum Gallery

Club visits 2010


10 files, last one added on May 11, 2010
Album viewed 1645 times

A Grand Day Out in the Cotswolds Oct 06


13 files, last one added on Oct 24, 2006
Album viewed 848 times

IDGTE Heritage Award + Closing Weekend Oct 06

oct wknd 033.jpg

50 files, last one added on Oct 30, 2006
Album viewed 2046 times

Easter Opening 2007


36 files, last one added on Apr 22, 2007
Album viewed 951 times

28 albums on 3 page(s) 3

Random files - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Group photo - Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge 2150 viewsAlthough not officially open for the season we have already been playing host to clubs visiting the area. On 18th March we had 15 European Honda Engine Dealers visit and on 19th a coach of 46 students and teachers from the Lycée Polyvalent Gaspard Monge which is in Savigny sur Orge, just south of Paris.
Not the best welcome yet.jpg
Front of building, late Summer 20031340 views
Burgers and soup to keep the troops going1992 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007

Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
Door to cinema room being repainted1984 viewsWorking Weekend 23/24 March 2007

Over 35 people turned up to help give the museum a spring clean and a fresh coat of paint ready for the Easter opening of the season
watering in the tree2004 viewsTree Planting Ceremony 18th September 2008
Mobile Crossley Generator1271 viewsoutside our marquee at the 1000 Engine Rally, Chelford
1000 Engine Rally 2007 – Saturday night at the museum1555 viewsone of the car park marshalls keeping everyone in order
Looks like she is waving a dust ball1941 views

Last additions - Archive photos of engines and museum views
Students learn about engine developments, starting in the steam engine area2772 viewsDeeside College students October 2012Oct 16, 2012
Peter explains about Bodgers and how ancient crafts were the forerunners of engines2376 viewsDeeside College students October 2012Oct 16, 2012
How IC engines developed, using the Hugon to demonstrate principles2449 viewsDeeside College students October 2012Oct 16, 2012
How an Atmospheric engine works2137 viewsDeeside College students October 2012Oct 16, 2012
about to light the Rattling Monster2460 viewsDeeside College students October 2012Oct 16, 2012
Crossley Portable during restoration2133 viewsSep 28, 2012
Crossley Portable during restoration2163 viewsSep 28, 2012
Vintage Camera Display Sept 20122590 viewsSep 28, 2012